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Welcome to our Saint Bernadette Parish Community
Called by our Baptism to be the People of God and formed by the Holy Spirit to be Saint Bernadette Roman Catholic Parish, we its members recognize our need to grow as a faith community.
We accept God’s call to: – Worship together at the celebration of the Eucharist, enriched by private and communal prayer and graced by the Sacraments; – Recognize Christ within each other and respond to His Presence with charity, justice and peace; – Bear witness with our lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; – Teach the Good News proclaimed by Jesus to love God and others; – Minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional and material needs of one another.
In union with the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and mindful of our mission, we resolve to live with Christ at the center of our lives. We pray, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother and Saint Bernadette, for guidance from the Holy Spirit to carry out our mission as faithful members of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish
Roman Catholic Community of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Pastor- Rev. John Masson
Retired Priest - Rev. Larry Crehan
Retired Deacon:
Deacon Thomas P. Fitzpatrick
Director of Religious Education:
Ms. Marykate Murphy
Mrs. Fran McElhenney
Business Manager:
Mr. Robert J. Helmig
Parish Secretary:
Mrs. Helen Kraus
Three pastors, three former O’Hara school ministers — Rev. Paul O’Donnell ‘82, Church of Saint Monica - Berwyn, PA, Rev. John Flanagan ‘83, St Madeline Parish, and Rev. John Masson, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish. Thank you to all visiting priests for assisting with confessions today ahead of our school liturgy tomorrow.
Another wonderful upcoming event: https://www.catholicwomensconference.org
The Catholic Women’s Conference is a unique event designed for all Catholic women – married, single, and consecrated. The mission of the conference is three-fold: to invite women into a personal and transformative encounter with Jesus Christ, to form women in the truth about their feminine genius, and to equip women to be a leaven for the world, living their feminine gifts in service to the family, the Church and all aspects of society.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
National Shrine of
Our Lady of Czestochowa
654 Ferry Road
Doylestown, PA
Mark your calendars ~ AbbyFest is almost here! AbbeyFest, Greater Philadelphia’s premier celebration of faith, family, friends, and contemporary Catholic/Christian music, will celebrate its 10th anniversary at Daylesford Abbey on September 14, 2024. The day-long festival will include food trucks, merchandise tents, kid-friendly activities, music, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez. Daylesford Abbey is located at 220 S. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA.
“One of the most unique aspects of AbbeyFest is its engaging atmosphere for children, teens, youth groups, and families to experience the fullness of faith and truth of Jesus Christ,” says Deacon Hank Fila, Advancement Director for AbbeyFest. “We are thrilled to once again welcome Matt Maher a...
☀️Kick Off the Last Weeks of Summer with a Fun Raffle! ☀️
We’re excited to announce a special raffle to celebrate the final stretch of summer and support our ongoing gym renovation project!
Amazing Prizes Await:
- 🏅 $1000 Tuition Voucher
- 🍽️ A Year of Free School Lunches for 1 Student
- 💳 $500 Gift Card to Shop Rite
Ticket Prices:
- $10 for 1 chance
- $25 for 3 chances
All proceeds will directly contribute to the transformation of our gym, making it a better space for everyone in our community.
📅 Mark your calendars! We will go LIVE on Facebook to draw the winners at 8:30 PM on Tuesday, September 3rd. Don't miss it!
Join us in making a difference and grab your raffle tickets today! Venmo @ Bernies-CYO with name, email, phone and number of tickets.
Thank you for your incredible support!
Our Masses for the Feast of the Assumption will be Wednesday August 14th at 5 PM, Thursday, August 15th at 8:30 AM and 7 PM. As a reminder, our parking lots have been repaved and relined. Please note the new parking direction for the church parking lot. All cars will now park facing the church. The parking lots will not be available for the vigil Mass on Wednesday. They should be available for parking on Thursday. We appreciate your understanding, patience, and cooperation.