Registration, Baptisms, Weddings, Sick Calls


Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish!  To register in the parish, please contact Deacon Tom Fitzpatrick at to set-up an appointment.  We are eager to greet new members of our parish community and look forward to meeting you.



Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month immediately following the last Mass. Godparents should be practicing Catholics, confirmed and at least 16 years of age.  If not from this parish, sponsors must have a letter of eligibility from their parish stating that they have been actively participating for six months.  St. Bernadette Parishioners must be registered and actively participating for six months to receive a letter of eligibility.

Pre-Jordan ~ Parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class held in the Wright Center following the last Mass on the first Sunday   of every other month (please refer to the bulletin for exact dates).  Registration for the class is required.  In order to arrange for a baptism, the parents must be active members of the parish for six months.

Contact Helen Kraus to register.
                                                    Phone: (610)789-7676, ext. 101



We request that couples contemplating marriage call the rectory at least six months in advance of their desired wedding date to make an appointment with the priest.  At this initial interview, the date and time of your requested Wedding date will be recorded and you will receive a copy of the Parish Wedding Guidelines.



A priest will administer Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to come to Church. If you desire, Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion each week. Please contact the Rectory to be placed on our Sick List.  Parishioners who are to undergo serious surgery at a hospital are encouraged to make an appointment at the Rectory before going to the hospital.