At a meeting of the Archdiocesan Consultors on May 6, 1947, a new parish was approved for Drexel Hill. Cardinal Dennis Dougherty appointed Rev. Joseph A. O’Brien to be the founding pastor. With the approval of the Cardinal, the new parish was named St. Bernadette of Lourdes in memory of Fr. O’Brien’s sister-in-law, Bernadette, who died in a fire. On May 21, 1947, Father O’Brien took up residence in St. Andrew’s Rectory. He lived there for four months and then purchased a home at 901 Foss Avenue. The home became the rectory and the Chapel of St. Bernadette of Lourdes parish and on September 28, 1947 the very first Mass of the new parish was celebrated. #STBL75th
On July 2, 1947 ground was purchased for the future parish buildings. In September a contract was signed for the construction of the Auditorium Chapel. Those plans were later supplemented to provide two additional floors for school classrooms. On March 28, 1947, the first Masses were celebrated in the Auditorium Chapel – with a temporary roof and an unfinished floor. #STBL75th