Food Pantry
The St. Bernadette Food Pantry runs yearlong to help serve the local needy.
Non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry can be placed in bags and left in the vestibules of church. Any monetary donations or donations of gift cards should be sent to Fr. Masson. If you have a question, contact Amy Sandman at foodpantry@
St. Bernadette Parish runs three (3) large food drives each year.
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- Easter
The Hospice Program is a group that provides casseroles for St. John’s Hospice in Philadelphia. Casseroles are collected in O’Brien Hall before the weekend Masses that precede the 1st Tuesday of the month. Casserole pans can be found at the entrances of the Church.
Meetings are held every Thursday at 9:30am in O’Brien Hall.