P.R.E.P. ~ Parish Religious Education Program

P.R.E.P. Webpage

P.R.E.P. Registration

P.R.E.P. Payments

P.R.E.P. Curriculum



PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) for students in Grades 1 through 8 who attend public school is held on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 PM in the Parish School building. Classes run from September to May. The program’s mission is to assist parents in their primary role as educators of their children in the Catholic faith. The program provides sound catechesis on the teachings of the faith so that children may be formed in the Catholic tradition.

For information regarding the Parish PREP Contact: Marykate Murphy, Director of Religious Education (Office located in the WRIGHT CENTER)

Phone: (610) 789-7676, ext. 212
e-Mail:  MMurphy@stbl.org

To register for the 2024-2025 PREP Year, please visit:

St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program

The Religious Education Offices are located in the Wright Center. Our entrance is located between St. Bernadette School and the Wright Center.
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program6 days ago
2️⃣ more opportunities for #Ashes at 4pm and 7pm for this #AshWednesday #bhlent2025 @bustedhalo
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program1 month ago
Thank you, Father John for visiting us at PREP last night. Father John told us the story of Saint Blaise and blessed the throats of our students and teachers. St. Blaise, pray for us! Office for Catechetical Formation, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program2 months ago
May we never forget to be in service and love of our neighbor and see them through the eyes of the Lord. As a reminder, there are no PREP classes this evening. Stay warm!
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program
St. Bernadette Parish Religious Education Program2 months ago
Please see the survey below from St. Bernadette's CYO