What’s Happening at St. Bernadette’s?


Mark your calendars ~ September 14, 2024.~ AbbyFest is almost here! AbbeyFest, Greater Philadelphia’s premier celebration of faith, family, friends, and contemporary Catholic/Christian music, will celebrate its 10th anniversary at Daylesford Abbey on September 14, 2024. The day-long festival will include food trucks, merchandise tents, kid-friendly activities, music, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez. Daylesford Abbey is located at 220 S. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA.  https://theabbeyfest.com


Another wonderful upcoming event:
The Catholic Women’s Conference is a unique event designed for all Catholic women – married, single, and consecrated. The mission of the conference is three-fold: to invite women into a personal and transformative encounter with Jesus Christ, to form women in the truth about their feminine genius, and to equip women to be a leaven for the world, living their feminine gifts in service to the family, the Church and all aspects of society.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
National Shrine of
Our Lady of Czestochowa
654 Ferry Road
Doylestown, PA










September 19, 2023

We will be accepting Mass intentions for January 2024 through June 2024 beginning this Monday, September 25 at 9am in the Rectory office.  The office is open M – F from 9am-noon and 1pm-5pm.


June 2, 2023
The past weeks I have been proclaiming with the Psalmist from today’s readings: “Glory and Praise Forever!” It is an honor and a great joy to be named the Seventh Pastor of St. Bernadette of Lourdes Parish.  

It is a blessing to stand on the shoulders of previous Pastors such as our founding Pastor, Msgr. O’Brien.  To be in the same category as a priest as esteemed and loved as Fr. Wright.  And to be following a priest I admired as a high school student when he was at my home parish, Fr. Papa.  All of our previous Pastors had something to offer and helped to build the wonderful parish that I now have the opportunity to lead.  Let us give praise and thanks to God for them, their hard work, and priestly ministry.

This past year, as administrator, I have worked hard to pray and listen, learn and watch.  I have tried to meet people and to become a part of the community, participating in and being honored to lead some of our great traditions.  Hopefully you have seen some of the fruits of the past year such as the attention to our liturgical celebrations, involvement and growth in the school community, and the attention given to the parish property.  This was all accomplished with groups of people working together for the glory of God. 

There is more coming the within the next year such as the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of our school, a focus on Devotion to the Eucharist including a Forty Hours Celebration, and hopefully even a Parish Carnival.  As Pastor, I hope that we can continue to pray, work, and grow together as we build the Kingdom of God here in Drexel Hill. I am excited to see what we can do! 

Let us continue to pray for each other through the intercession of St. Bernadette and St. Leonie Aviat that we may always grow together in holiness and share the love of God in our Community.

“He has an end for each of us; we are all equal in His sight,
and we are placed in our different ranks and stations,
not to get what we can out of them for ourselves, but to labor in them for Him.
As Christ has His work, we too have ours; as He rejoiced to do His work,
we must rejoice in ours also.”– St. John Neumann



May 25, 2023

Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 20.  Bishop Edward Deliman will be here for the 11:00am Mass to install Fr. John Masson as our new Pastor.  There will be a reception in O’Brien Hall immediately following the Mass to celebrate this very special day!  If anyone would like to help with the reception, please email Marykate Murphy at mmurphy@stbl.org or call her at 610-789-7676 ext. 212.  Thanks for your help.  We are looking forward to making this a GREAT day.


May 14, 2023

What a beautiful day to recognize, honor, and thank our Mothers.   Thinking about my own Mother, the mothers I have worked with, and those that have become mother figures for me, I can only thank God for who they are and what they have done for me.  I have seen true, sacrificial, and unconditional love in action. I have witnessed courage and faith, long suffering, compassion, and hope.  I have witnessed true joy and fulfillment.  They have shown me what Love truly means by simply being a mother.  


We give praise and thanks to God for the beautiful gift of Motherhood by honoring our own Mothers and those that are mother figures, (especially grandmothers!) in our lives. Many Blessing to all the Mothers of St. Bernadette of Lourdes Parish.  May the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ continue to walk with you and bless you with all the graces you desire and deserve this day and all days.   

Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day.

March 30, 2023


Sunday, April 2 – Passion (Palm) Sunday
Collection for Operation Rice Bowl
4:30pm – Vigil Mass
9:00am and 11:00am

Holy Thursday – April 6
No 8:30am Mass
7:00pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
(Church will remain open for visits until 10:00pm)

Good Friday – April 7
Collection for Holy Places in Palestine
3:00pm – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
(day of fast and abstinence)

Holy Saturday – April 8
7:00pm – Easter Vigil Mass
(No 4:30pm Vigil Mass)

Easter Sunday – April 9
9:00am and 11:00am
(No Mass in O’Brien Hall)

The children of the parish are invited to attend the 9am Mass on
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday along with their extended families.


FEBRUARY 19, 2023

JANUARY 10, 2023

Today, January 10th is the Feast Day of St. Leonie Aviat! With the prayers of so many, through the intercession of Leonie Aviat a younger member of our parish was miraculously cured 31 years ago! Let us continue to follow St. Leonie’s example of love and dedication to God and to work for the happiness of others!
If you don’t know the story of St. Leonie and our parish, read about it here: https://www.stbl.org/themiracle/
St. Leonie Aviat, pray for us!