September 27, 2022
August 26, 2022
Beginning September 13th, we will be hosting a Bereavement Support Group. Please reach out to the contacts below for more information.
July 11, 2022
June 22, 2022
We welcome Father John Masson to our parish as our new Parochial Administrator. Be sure to stop and say hello to Father at Mass this weekend. Father Masson is looking forward to meeting the wonderful people of St. Bernadette’s!

June 18, 2022
May 1, 2022
Synod Listening Session
Archbishop Perez has invited all Catholics to participate in a Synod engagement session. St. Bernadette Parish will host a local session on Sunday, May 15 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm in the Parish Wright Center. This session will provide an opportunity to facilitate discussion and reflection, to help shape the Church’s understanding of herself and her mission of evangelization and forming disciples.
The Parish Facilitators will summarize the information developed at this session and forward it to the Archdiocese. The information will be included in the package forwarded to Rome for part of Pope Francis’ Synod of Bishops. In order to provide proper accommodation for the session, please register at:
The Archdiocese is also providing the opportunity to attend Regional and Virtual sessions. To attend one of these sessions visit:
April 24, 2022
April 12, 2022
March 4, 2022
Please help us participate by completing a 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible.
Go to:
Please help us by participating in a 10-15 minute survey online. The survey can be accessed through an online link from March 4, 2022 through April 4, 2022 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on our parish’s efforts to help you grow. All responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. We will share the link with you a bit closer to the launch of the survey.
We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to Father Saban and our various ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results this spring/summer at which time we will share what we have learned with the entire parish.
If you prefer a paper copy you may pick up a paper copy of the survey please contact the rectory or Marykate Murphy at or 610-789-7676
March 1, 2022
January 27, 2022
April – May – June
We will begin taking Mass intentions for April, May, and June 2022 on Monday, February 7 at 9 am in the rectory. The rectory is open from 9 am -noon and 1 pm – 5 pm Monday – Friday.
December 20, 2021
November 28, 2021
November 21, 2021
September 26, 2021
July 15, 2021
To read Archbishop Perez’s full statement regarding the reinstatement of the obligation to attend Mass in person, please visit
June 28, 2021
June 21, 2021
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) for students in Grades 1 through 8 who attend public school are held on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 PM in the Parish School building. Classes run from September to May. The program’s mission is to assist parents in their primary role as educators of their children in the Catholic faith. The program provides sound catechesis on the teachings of the faith so that children may be formed in the Catholic tradition.
For information regarding the Parish PREP Contact: Marykate Murphy, Director of Religious Education (Office located in the WRIGHT CENTER)
Phone: (610) 789-7676, ext. 212
June 6, 2021
Updates to Covid Restrictions from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
May 10, 2021
Masses for Ascension Thursday will be:
Vigil Mass ~ Wednesday, May 12, 2023 at 4:30pm
Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 8:30am and 7:00pm
April 4, 2021
March 28, 2021
March 7, 2021
February 28, 2021
✝️ Join us every Thursday during Lent 7pm for Stations of the Cross followed by Confessions until 8pm. ✝️
February 14, 2021
January 24, 2021
As of Monday, 1 February, we will be welcoming Fr. Paschal Onunwa who is coming to us from Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Doylestown, Bucks County. He was there for 11 plus years and will miss and be missed by all those parishioners he served with love and joy. Fr. Paschal’s assignment as Parochial Vicar will be “ProTem” or for a short while. He brings a lot of experience and commitment. He is a citizen of Nigeria, which is the Ireland of Africa — a lot of Catholics there. The Church there is a lot like what we were in the 1950’s. He speaks loudly and laughs heartily. Let us welcome him as a guest who needed to land in a good place for rest and renewal. It will be good for all of us! AND he even enjoys cooking!
Fr. Michael Saban
December 4, 2020
November 22, 2020
We will be taking Mass intentions for
on Tuesday, December 1 beginning at 9am in the rectory. After December 1, the rectory will be open Monday – Friday from 9am – noon and 1pm – 5pm to make arrangements for Masses. We will be observing CDC recommendations of wearing masks and social distancing.
October 25, 2020
Update Your Information Now
Hello St. Bernadette’s Parish! We are in need of your assistance. We are currently trying to obtain emails of all St. Bernadette School alumni. Our database needs some updating, and we want to have as many contacts as possible so we can keep our great alumni up to date on what’s going on at our school. If you are an alumni, or know anyone who is, please send an email to containing your name and graduation year. Thank you!
September 1, 2020
I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation on the occasion of my Installation as Pastor last week. Your words and cards and gifts are a sign of your remarkable generosity, and I sincerely appreciate it! My family, especially my parents, were so grateful for your hospitality. They are in their 80’s and found so much joy and life on Sunday.
Thank you also to all those who helped in so many ways, great and small, to make it a beautiful day: Dottie and the choir for such a beautiful Mass: the super servers who kept everything flowing: Helen and Marykate and the boys who set up the hall so warmly: Mrs. Monaghan for the delicious victuals: CYO for supplying the drinks: Tom McFadden, who spent the summer painting the hall—it looks so fresh. Thank you one and all!!
This has been quite an unusual year, and I am sure that the theme will continue. With grateful hearts and confident spirits, let us move forward to continue to be a faithful people of God in these most interesting times.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Fr. Michael Saban
Pastor for 2 Weeks!
July 27, 2020
We will begin taking Mass intentions for September through December on Monday, August 3rd. The rectory will be open from 9am—noon and 1pm—5pm (1pm – 3pm on Fridays) to take your requests.
June 26, 2020
It is with great joy and profound appreciation to God our Father that I announce to you that I am now the officially appointed Pastor of St. Bernadette Parish. It is a humbling position to be appointed to. To be responsible for the care of souls is the most profound vocation and task that one can accept. It is humbling to walk with others with their hurts and angers, worries and fears, joys and sorrows. I ask that you please walk with me as we begin this chapter of the life of St. Bernadette Parish. I cannot do this alone. By the grace of God and the charity of people may the good work we begin today come to a successful completion in the Kingdom of Heaven!
With much gratitude to God, I am
Fr. Michael Saban
June 22, 2020
With excitement, we are able to share that Father Michael Saban has officially been named the
Sixth Pastor of St. Bernadette of Lourdes Parish!
Installation details to follow in the near future.
June 10, 2020
We are happy to announce that the St. Leonie Aviat Novena will begin again on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 7:00PM.
In order to make it possible to maintain proper social distancing, we
will meet in the Church rather than the chapel. The parking lot side doors of the Church and the handicap/ramp door will be the only doors open. Please contact Deacon Tom Fitzpatrick with any questions ~ or 610 246 9052
June 6, 2020
Welcome Home!
June 1, 2020
Great news! Archbishop Pérez has announced that parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be able to resume public Masses the weekend of June 6 and 7. We at St. Bernadette Parish look forward to welcoming you back!
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we make our way back to the in person celebration of the Mass. While our county remains in the Yellow Phase of statewide reopening, all of us need to do our part to make sure that our return to Mass is a peaceful and safe experience for all. Please take the time to read the instructions below. We ask everyone to follow these guidelines when attending Mass during this period: GENERAL POINTS
OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU St. Bernadette Parish will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation as we resume public Masses.
Please remember that this is a fluid situation and things could be constantly changing! Be flexible! Capiche! |
May 28, 2020
There is a light at the end of this journey! It’s our Road to Emmaus, when we recognize Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread. It has been our upper room, waiting for the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit to come upon us, a place where we waited in fear, anxiety, frustration, anticipation. That same upper room was where the disciples and Jesus celebrated the Passover and witnessed the institution of the Eucharist. It’s where they met after the terror of Good Friday. It’s where they wept on Holy Saturday. It’s where they heard the good news that He is risen. He is not among the dead. It’s where Thomas would doubt it and then proclaim Jesus as “My Lord and my God.” That upper room where the disciples and apostles would meet to answer questions and figure out problems. It is where they would pray and then receive the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Promise that God would not leave us alone. It is indeed the place where Peter and the apostles would first begin to preach fearlessly the Gospel, the Suffering, the Resurrection. It is a room where sorrows and fears were brought, hope shared, hurts healed. It was the first of many upper rooms.
As of Saturday, June 6, our upper room, our church, will be open for Mass again! It’s time to come back and bring your joys and fears and worries. It’s time to heal and forgive. It’s time to rejoice and recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread. It is time to come home. Do not delay. It will be neat to see everyone again instead of just a camera in the back of the church. Our schedule for the weekends has been modified for the summer:
Saturday: Confessions 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Mass – 4:30pm
Sunday: Mass – 9:00am and 11:00am
It will be the summer schedule, and probably longer than that.
The Live Stream is still available!
While we are gathering again to pray and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, there are some temporary changes in place.
- As you enter the church, you will see that the holy water fonts are empty. They will remain empty until all things seem clear. The holy water container does have holy water. You can take a container and fill it from there to take home.
- Social distancing will be with us for a while. Some pews will be closed off as to space everyone out a bit. Remember, if you feel someone is too close to you, don’t make a fuss or a scene. Slide down the pew or move. We’ve got plenty of room!
- The missalettes are in storage until the okay is given. We have got to keep surfaces clear. Now we’ve got to be better listeners to the word proclaimed.
- NO offertory procession
- NO sign of peace
- NO Communion to be received on the tongue. Communion is to be received in the hand only. Please do not make a fuss about this. It is for your health as well as the health of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist – gotta to be wise!
- Keep supporting your parish. Those envelopes are really important! Our situation is growing precarious. There will be more about that as we progress into the summer months.
- Gotta pray and persevere as this virus hopefully recedes and we can go and gain something of our former good ways back. It has all been so odd – so many questions – so many stories!
A big thank you to those who cut the grass last week and who have been trimming the bushes and so many other things. We did so many cuts so as to save the resources. We were looking sloppy. But, I think we can get back on track with things in June. It will all look better again!
Well, that seems like that is all for now. That’s a lot to take in! I just want to thank so many of you for all your support and loyalty to St. Bernadette Parish. This is your Spiritual Home. Let’s keep our upper room open as we move on together. There is hope, and hope helps us always see the positive picture!
Fr. Michael Saban
May 18, 2020
May 8, 2020
Our Mass Book will open for June, July and August on May 20th.
Please remember, at this point, all Masses are private and be viewed online.
April 17, 2020
Mass times remain the same and will be live streamed. The Church will be locked during Mass times. We appreciate your respect and understanding during these times!
April 9, 2020
Updated Church Hours
April 6, 2020
St. Bernadette’s Food Pantry is available to anyone who may need assistance during this time. Please contact Amy at 610-931-5692. Please contact Father Saban at the rectory – 610-789-7676 – if you are able to help the food pantry with a monetary or gift card donation. Non-perishable food donations can be left in the white cooler outside Wright Center meeting room door.
St. Bernadette, Pray for Us! Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for Us!
April 3, 2020
Holy Week 2020
March 30, 2020
Next week is Palm Sunday. Since all Masses are being said privately, there will be a box with the Sunday bulletins and also some palm outside the main entrance to church on Turner Avenue. All Masses will be live-streamed on the parish website and the bulletins can also be found on the website.
March 20, 2020
The 8:30am Masses Monday – Friday will be said privately but they can be viewed online at
The weekend Masses will be at 4:30pm Saturday and 9am and 11am on Sunday. These Masses can be viewed online at
The 7am Mass intentions on Sunday have been transferred to another date. The transfer date will be noted in the bulletin which you can also find online at
Monday – Friday – The church will be open from 9am – noon for private prayer, devotions and quietude.
Saturday – The church will be open from 8am – 5:30pm for private prayer, devotions and quietude.
Sunday – The church will be open on Sunday from 8am – noon for private prayer, devotions and quietude.
Confessions will still be held on Saturdays from 3:15pm to 3:45pm.
Let us be united in prayer so that we can
come back together soon!
March 18, 2020
In accordance with the directives from Archbishop Perez to help curb the spread of COVID-19, there will be no public Masses at St. Bernadette Parish until further notice. All Masses will celebrated privately in the Church for the intentions already requested. Masses will be live streamed at the regular scheduled Mass times. Confessions will take place as normal as long as appropriate social distancing is adhered to. Below is the prayer to make a “Spiritual Communion” while we are not able to receive the Eucharist. Please continue to pray for our country and our world during this time.
The most common occasion for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when we cannot fulfill
our obligation to attend Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, whether because of illness or
bad weather, or some other reason outside of our control.
You can make an Acts of Spiritual Communion at any time and make multiple times a day—even on
days when we have been able to receive the Eucharist.
Each Act of Spiritual Communion that we make increases our desire to receive sacramental
Communion, and protects us until we can receive Holy Communion sacramentally again.
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if
You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Lent ~ 2020
Stations of the Cross
During Lent we will have the traditional devotion of the Stations of the Cross. This will take place on Thursday evenings during Lent in the church at 7pm. The opportunity for confession/reconciliation will be available afterwards until 8:00pm. Please take advantage of these Lenten practices. Do not just drift through this Lenten season.
Welcome New Families
Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish! To register in the parish, please email Deacon Tom Fitzpatrick at He will get back to you to arrange a convenient time to meet with him to register. We are eager to greet new members of our parish community and look forward to meeting you.